Call for Startups: Stonks Demo Day #3 🚀 🦍💪

Ali Moiz
2 min readJul 23, 2021


We started Stonks because fundraising is one of the most painful, time-consuming, and yet necessary parts of building a startup. I’ve been doing startups since 2005, raised $40m+, and have been through situations where rounds have taken 6 months. Also seen investors who had no idea what the business really did, after being on the board for years.

At Stonks, we want to:

Make Fundraising 10X faster: raise in 1–3 days, not in months.

Highest Value-add-per-dollar Investors: We promise to be the highest value-add per dollar on your cap-table by getting you exactly the type of investors you want — Creator rounds, Founders with IPOs/exits, SuperAngels, Distribution/Sales, Technical hires, alumni from Google/Lyft/Airbnb/FB etc. Backed by objective reviews from other founders.

Andrew from pitched at our last event, raised funds successfully, and had this to say:

Andrew Horn

How: Livestreamed Demo Days 🖥

We accomplish this through the magic of livestreaming to build trust at scale between large groups of investors and founders. The format is Demo Day — think YC Demo Day, but incredibly efficient, exciting and accessible to investors everywhere. And you don’t have to give up any equity or sit through a 3-mo program to get on it.

From our last Demo Day in July, 6 startups raised $4 million in seed rounds, with another $7 million in pipeline.

Stonks is 10/10, I would pitch at Demo Day a hundred times — Nishchay, Founder of Jar

Call for Startups: Aug Demo Day 🚀

We’re looking for startups with $250K+ in annual revenue (run-rate is OK) that are currently raising a pre-seed/seed/early A/tomato🍅 round. Any sector, geography is ok, high-growth required. If you qualify, please apply to our next demo day here.

❗️ Deadline: August 10th, sooner the better since its first-come.
📆 Event: August 19th, 10am PT

Investor panel for this event will include Mike Vernal from Sequoia Capital, Andrew Chen from A16Z, Sahil Lavingia and others. Expecting 300+ super-angels, angels and VCs in attendance.

Have questions before you apply? Hit us up @ali_moiz, @stonks_dot_com, or shoot us a note. 🦍 💪

One more thing…🔥

There’s a cash referral bonus of $1000 if you refer us a startup that gets selected to pitch on demo day. Send us a DM on twitter, or email us with an intro.



Ali Moiz
Ali Moiz

Written by Ali Moiz

Sandhill Markets. Streamlabs. Peanutlabs. Trying to build stuff people want.

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